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Commanding the Leaders to do Good and Forbid Evil



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Know verily that, we have already mentioned the different stages of commanding good and forbidding evil, and what is permissible in it regarding the rulers are the first two stages which are; Explanation of the wrong act and making wadh, but using harsh words like saying ‘oh oppressor, oh the one who doesn’t fear Allāh, if that will lead to fitna which may affect others, it is not permissible to do that, but if the fitna is only restricted to oneself alone, it is permissible in the side of the majority of the ulamaa.

However, I upheld its impemissibility because the main goal is to eliminate the munkar, and making the ruler to commit such a munkar is greater than the munkar he intended to eradicate, and if the ruler should hear from one of the masses saying: oh you oppressor, oh you fāsiq, the ruler will surely see that as humiliation and he will never be patient on that without taking action.

In this regard, Al-Imām Ahmad rahimahullāhu was reported to have said:

_”لا تتعرض بالسلطان، فإن سيفه مسلول”_

_”Do not disregard a ruler, for verily, his sword is unsheathed. “_

Thus, one shouldn’t think of what happened of challenges and confrontation between the salaf and their rulers, for verily, those rulers used to honor the ulamaa and that’s not the case in our time.

The book ‘Al-Misbāhu Al-Mudī’ has indeed combined admonition of the pass predecessors to their khalafah and rulers and I will pick out some of the hikāyāt there.

Sa’īd Ibn ‘Āmir said to ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab radiyallāhu anhu:

_”I advise you with some kalimāt from the acts of Islam and its teaching: Fear Allāh regarding people, and do not fear people regarding Allāh, and your statement should not contradict your action, for verily, the best statement is the one that’s testified by action, and love for the close and far Muslims what you love for yourself and your family, and hold upon the truth wherever you find it and do not fear the blame of a blamer: ‘Umar radiyallāhu then said: who is capable of doing these Ya Aba Sa’īd? He said: Whosoever lies on his neck the similarity of what lies on your neck of responsibility.”_

*1st Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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