_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Regarding what has to do with commanding the leaders to do good and forbid evil, Abu Qutādah said:
_”‘Úmar Ibn Al-Khattab went out of the mosque and together with him is Al-Jārūd, then he came across a woman on the way, then He said salam to her, and she responded and said: ” I know you since you were young and you were called ‘Umayr in the market of ‘Ukādh, just after some days you were called ‘Úmar, and you are now called Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, fear Allāh regarding the people, and know that whosoever fears death, fears loss, ‘Úmar radiyallāhu anhu then cried regarding her statement, Al-Jarūd then said: Look, you have spoken boldly to the Amīru Al-Mu’minīn and you have caused him to cry, ‘Umar said: Leave her alone, do you know who she is? It is khawlatu Bintu Hakīm which Allāh Heard her complain from the Heaven, thus, wallĀh ‘Umar is in the best position to hear her statement. “_
An old man approached Mu’āwiya, and said:
_” Fear Allāh oh Mu’āwiya, and know that everyday goes by you, and every night that passes by you, you become far from dunya and closed to Hereafter, and you cannot escape death and it will surely catch up with you, we and what we are in and you will certainty vanish, and where we are heading to(I.e Hereafter) is everlasting, if the dunya is good, the Hereafter will also be good and vice versa. “_
*2nd Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!