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Commanding the Leaders to do Good and Forbid Evil 03



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

Sulayman Ibn AbdulMalik entered Al-Madīnah, and stayed there for three days. He then said:

_”Is there still a man who met the Ashāb of the Messenger of Allāh sallallāhu alayhi wasallam? It was then said to him: Yes there is a man called: Abū Hāzim, he then delegates some people to call him. Sulayman then said to Abū Hāzim: Ya Abā Hāzim, what is this severance? Abū Hāzim responded to him by saying: what severance do you see in me? He said: All the people of Al-Madīnah have visited me excluding you?! Abū Hāzim said: There is nothing between me and you of relationship that I should visit you for. Sulayman said: You have said the truth Shaykh Abā Hāzim! Why did we hate death? He said: For because you have beautified your Dunya and destroyed your Hereafter, thus, you hate to move from the good life to the destroyed one. Sulayman said: You have said the truth Ya Abā Hāzim, then how is the returning to Allāh Ta’āla? He said: As for the good person is just like a traveller who will meet his family with joy and happiness, as for the bad person is just like a fugitive and he will meet Allāh in fear and sorrow. Sulayman then cried and then said: oh would that I Knew! What do we have in the side of Allāh ya Abā Hāzim? Abu Hāzim said: Judge yourself with the book of Allāh, for verily, you will know your stand in the side of Allāh. “_

*3rd Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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