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Commanding the Leaders to do Good and Forbid Evil 04



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

Sulayman Ibn Malik said to Abū Hāzim: How can I know my stand in the side of Allāh? Abū Hāzim said: Read where Allāh says;

“إن الأبرار لفي نعيم(١٣) وإن الفجار لفي جحيم” [الانفطار:١٣، ١٤]

He said: Ya Abā Hāzim, where is the Rahmah of Allāh? He said:

(قريب من المحسنين)[الأعراف: ٥٦]

_”Is near to those who do good”._

He said: Ya Abā Hāzim, who is the most intelligent person? He said: whosoever learns wisdom and teaches it to people.

He said: who is the most foolish person? He said: Whosoever follows the desires of a tyrant person, thus selling his Hereafter because of the dunya of someone else.

He said : Ya Abā Hāzim, which of the duà that is in the best position to be answered? He said: The duà of the sincere ones.

He said: what is the purest sadaqah? He said: The one spent on the poor people.

Sulayman Ibn Abdulmalik also said: Ya Abā Hāzim, what can you say about our situation? He said: Pardon me from answering this question.

Sulayman said: OK, give me some nasīha. Abū Hāzim said: Some people have forcebly taken this affairs without the consultation of the Muslims, nor consensus from the Muslims, thus, they shed the blood of the innocent people to attain dunya, when they pass away, I wonder what answer they will give on their action and what will be said to them. Then one amongst those sitting said: woo upon your response Ya Shaykh, then Abū Hāzim said to him: You have lied, verily, Allāh Has made mīsāq(covenant) through the ulamaa to clarify it to people without hiding it.

Sulayman said: Ya Abā Hāzim, you should pay us a visit so that we can gain more knowledge from you and you can also have some gift. Abā Hāzim then replied by saying: I seek refuge in Allāh from such act. Sulayman said: why? He said: I fear from inclining to you a little, thus I shall taste punishment in this life and after death.

Sulayman then said to him: advise me. He said: Fear Allāh and you should not be found where He Has forbidden from, and you should not be missed where He Has commanded you to be.

He said: Ya Abā Hāzim, pray for us. He then said: O Allāh, if Sulayman is your waliyy, make goodness easy for him, and if he is not guide him to goodness.

Sulayman Ibn Abdulmalik then ordered 100dirham to be given to Abā Hāzim. Abū Hāzim said: I don’t need it your money and I fear that it should not be because of what you heard from me.

*4th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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