_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
It was reported that a Bedouin approached Sulayman Ibn Abdulmalik, and then said:Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, I will advise you with some words and try to grasp it even though you may dislike it, and if you accept the nasīha, you will surely be successful in this dunya and Hereafter. Sulayman Ibn Abdulmalik then told him to go ahead.
The Bedouin then said:
Some of your men have substituted your worldly life with their deen, and your pleasure with the wrath of Allāh, they fear you regarding Allāh and didn’t fear Allāh regarding you, they destroyed their Hereafter and built their Dunya. Thus, never entrust them with what Allāh Has entrusted you on, for verily, they always waste the trust given to them and undermining the ummah, and you will be held responsible for their criminal act regarding the trust, and they are not responsible for your actions, and do not try to rectify their dunya thereby destroying your Hereafter, the most foolish person is the one that sold his Hereafter for dunya.
Sulayman Ibn Abdulmalik then said:
But as for you, you have unsheathed your tongue, and it is sharper than your sword!
He said: Yes Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, it is for you not against you.
He said: do you have any need?
He said: I don’t have any personal need except that of the Muslim ummah, then he stood up and went out.
Sulayman Ibn Abdulmalik said:
well done for his wonderful speech, what a honourable progeny! And how sound his heart is !, and how eloquent his tongue is!, and truthful his intention!, and how humble he is! , indeed this is how honorable and intelligent people should be.
*5th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!