_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
It is reported from Al-Awzā’Ī rahimahullāhu who said:
Al-Mansur sent for me and i went to his place, on reaching his place, I made salam to him and he told me to have a seat, then he said:
What makes you late Ya awzāī?
I said: What do you need Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn?
He said:
I want to learn from you and gain from you.
I said: Beware of listening to admonition and after that neglecting such admonition, then Ar-Rabī’u was upset and tried to unsheathe his sword but the Amīru Al-Mu’minīn stop him and said:
This seating is that of reward not that of punishment.
Al-Awzā’ī said:
Then I became calmed and I spoke freely without any fear, I said: Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, you have preoccupied yourself with your affairs and you left the affairs of the people. You are leading amongst the Whites, Blacks, the Muslims, and the Kuffar, all of them have some portion of justice you need to give them, how is your situation going to be if all of them will complain on the Day of Qiyāmah about your oppression and injustice to them?
Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, rectify yourself by yourself and safeguard it from the punishment of Allāh.
Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, if leadership were to remain forever with those people before you it would not have reached you. And likewise, it would not be with you forever the way it was not forever for those before you.
Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, it has come in the tafsir of this verse by your grandfather(Ibn Abbas);
_”ما لهذا الكتاب لا يغادر صغيرة ولا كبيرة إلا أحصاها”_
_”What a book is this! It doesn’t omit a small one nor great one, but numbers them”_
He said: the word “Assaghīrah entails just a mere smile and the word” Al-Kabīrah also entails just to laugh, then what about what the hands and tongues commits?
*9th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!