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Commanding the Leaders to do Good and Forbid Evil 10



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

Al-Awzā’ī Rahimahullāhu said:

Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, Allāh commands His beloved Messenger sallallāhu alayhi wasallam to warn His closed relatives.

Allāh says:

“وأنذر عشيرتك الأقربين”

And warn your nearest relatives..”

*Suratu Ash-shu’arā, verse 214.*

In this regard, it is reported from Abu Hurairah radiyallāhu anhu who said_ The Messenger of Allāh sallallāhu alayhi wasallam said:

_”يا عباس، وياصفية ويافاطمة، إني لست أغني عنكم من الله شيئا، لي عملي ولكم عملكم”_

_” Ya ‘Abbas, safiyyah, and fātimah, verily, I have no power to protect you from Allāh in anything, my deeds belongs to me and your deeds belongs to you..”_

Transmitted and recommended by Imām Al-Bukhārī in his ‘Sahih’#2753 and Imām Muslim in his ‘Sahih#206 with its meaning.

After that, Al-Awzā’ī stood up and he wanted to leave. Then Amīru Al-Mu’minīn said to him: where are you going?

He said: To my home town with the permission of the Amīru Al-Mu’minīn.

Amīru Al-Mu’minīn said: I permitted you, and I thank you for your nasīha, and I accept it with full acceptance, may Allāh guide me to good, and assist me on it, and upon Him I rely, and do not seize to always give me such admonition when needed, for your nasīha is always welcome.

Al-Awzā’ī said: I will do that in shā Allāh.

He was then ordered to be given some money for his journey by Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, but Al-Awzā’ī rejected it and said:

I don’t need it, for I don’t sell my nasīha for worldly profits.

*11th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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