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Commanding the Leaders to do Good and Forbid Evil 11



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

When Ar-Rashīd performed Hajj, it was said to him:

Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, Shaibān also came for Hajj.

Amīru Al-Mu’minīn said:

Call him for me. Then Amīru Al-Mu’minīn said to shaibān:

Ya shaibān, advise me. He then said:

Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, I am someone who has poor mode of expression, and I am not eloquent in Arabic language, pls would you get someone who can comprehend my speech so that he can translate it in a better way?

A man was then brought fort to serve as a translator.

Shaibān said:

Ya Amīru Al-Mu’minīn, he who advises you about your insecurity is better than the one who advises about your safety.

Ar-Rashīd then said:

What is the meaning of this your statement?

Shaibān said:

The one who said to you; fear Allāh, for verily you will be ask about these ummah, Allāh Has appointed you as its Shepherd, and the one who controls its affairs, thus, be just about its people and divide their rights equally, fear Allāh regarding yourself, this is the one who makes you to feel unsecured about your affairs, and he is better than the one who said to you: You are the Ahlu bait, thus, you are forgiven because of your relationship with the prophet sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam, you are closer to the prophet sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam in terms of his shafā’ah, and he won’t seize making you to feel secured until you are completely destroyed.

Harun Ar-Rashīd cried vigorously till those people around him sympathized with him, then he said:

I need more advice ya Shaibān.

Shaibān said: that’s enough for now.

*12th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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