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Commanding the Leaders to do Good and Forbid Evil 12



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

It is reported from Alqamah Ibn Marthad who said that when ‘Umar Ibn Hubayrah entered Al-‘Irāq, he sent for Al-Hasan and Ash-sha’bī, he then gave them a house to stay, and they stayed in the house for about two months,then ‘Umar Ibn Hubayrah visited them, and he said:

Verily, Amīru Al-Mu’minīn Yazid Ibn ‘Abdulmalik wrote a letter to me, and I know that if I should obey him in what he wrote to me in the letter I will surely be destroyed, and if I should obey him in that context, I will certainly disobey Allāh, and if I should disobey him in that regard, and I will definitely obey Allāh, please what advice can you both give me in this situation?

Al-Hasan said:

Ya Abā ‘Amr, answer the question of the Amīr.

Ash-sha’bī speaks but he excused ‘umar Ibn Hubayrah and tried to please him and he said:

What can you say Ya Abā Sa’īd?

Abu Sa’īd said:

Ya Amīr, you have heard what Ash-sha’bī.

Amīr said:

What can you say Ya Abā Sa’īd?

Abā Sa’īd said:

_”Ya ‘Umar Ibn Hubayrah, remain small an angel amongst the Angels of Allah to descend upon you, the who doesn’t disobey Allāh In what He Has been commanded, thus, He will drive you out from your spacious palace to your narrow grave. Ya Abā Hubayrah, if you fear Allāh, He will surely protect you from Yazīd Ibn ‘Abdulmalik, and Yazīd Ibn ‘Abdulmalik cannot protect you from Allāh Ta’āla. Ya Abā Hubayrah, Beware that Allāh may close the door of repentance before you if you should obey Yazīd Ibn ‘Abdulmalik in that regard. Ya Abā Hubayrah, I have met some people amongst these ummah in which dunya turns to them more than you but they rejected it. Ya Abā Hubayrah, I fear for you your stand in the side of Allāh Ta’āla.”_

In this context, Allāh says:

“ذلك لمن خاف مقامي وخاف وعيد”

This is for the person who fears standing in My presence and fears my threat.

*Suratu Ibrāhīm, verse 14.*

Ya Abā Hubayrah, if you follow Allāh in obedience, He will surely protect and suffice you from Yazīd Ibn ‘Abdulmalik, and if you follow Yazīd Ibn ‘Abdulmalik in the disobedience of Allāh, Allāh will leave you to him.

‘Umar Ibn Hubayrah then cried and promised to stick to his admonition.

The next day, ‘Umar Ibn Hubayrah sent some gifts to both of them. But the gifts of Al-Hasan was much as against that of Ash-sha’bī.

Ash-sha’bī then went to the mosque and said:

_”Oh you people, whosoever is able to show the priority of Allāh Ta’āla on His creation, should do that, for I swear by Allāh, there is nothing that Al-Hasan said in front of ‘Umar Ibn Hubayrah that I was ignorant of, but I seek to please Ibn Hubayrah, thus Allāh severed me from him.”_

*13th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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