Some Muslims have accepted the propaganda that the Laws of Allāh are absent of Mercy, misogynist and parochial. This is either stemming from an ignorance of the Laws of Allāh, Islām and the Sharī’ah, or mesmerism with the ways of the Kuffār.
As Muslims we must recall that Mercy is one of the most inherent principles that govern every single rule, law, commandment or forbiddance that are in the Sharī’ah and this is seen and appreciated only by those who study the Sharī’ah and the Life of the Rasūl -salallāhu alayhi wasallam .
Let us look at the West that seek to make the cutting of the hand of the thief a symbol of lack of mercy, how it justified, maimed and killed Millions of Muslims, women and Children inclusive in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and other Muslim lands where they don’t only bomb to kill, they bomb to maim and destroy for no crimes committed except their faith in Allāh. These same people advance the claim that the Sharī’ah of Allāh is harsh and inhumane.
Have you ever seen documentaries of what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bosnia, Chechenya, Turkistan, Kashmir and Somalia of bombings and killings by America and it’s allies?
You seeking the meaning of inhumane, that looks more like it.
Bārakallāhu Fīkum
Jazakumullāhu Khayran