The Eighth: Accounting for and administering the gifts and what is in the treasury without extravagance or miserliness, and spending them at the right time without delay or haste
The Ninth: seeking those who are trustworthy and searching for those who are sincere to hold the public offices that he appoints them to run or entrusts them of the treasury so that competence is what determines appointment and wealth is protected by those who are trustworthy
The Tenth: that he is present by himself in the execution and running of things that he may carry out the leadership of the People and experience first hand the protection of the Creed. He must not over delegate by being preoccupied with luxuries or Ibaadah for the Trustworthy may become treacherous and then since may become a cheat
And Allah ta’ala had said: O Daawud, we have made you a Khalifa on the Earth, so Judge the people in accordance with the Truth and do not follow the Whims of the Soul that it may not misguide you from the Path of Allah.
Thus Allah Glorified is He did not stop at delegating without been present. And did not excuse him for following. Rather, He described it as misguidance”