_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
2. *Al-A’dlu Wajtinaabudh dhulm(Doing justice and avoiding oppression).*
These has to do with justice between two parties(I.e buyer and seller) and avoiding oppression in their relationship.
These oppression is divided into two classes, general and specific.
A. *General(Hoarding).*
This has to do with the act of obtaining and holding scarce resources so that they can be sold later at exuberant prices . It is highly forbidden and discouraged in the sharia because of what it entails of making life difficult for people.
However, if a farmer harvests his products from his farm and stores it, in this case, the farmer is not a hoarder. Thus, it is not Haram doing so.
Likewise, a buyer of commodities at the time of its availability and cheaper price as far as it will not *affect* the standard of living of the masses.
In general, hoarding food commodities is highly disliked.
B. *Specific(Falsely praising).*
This is a situation whereby a seller praises his goods more than what it contains, or he hides the stain of his goods. By so doing, he might cause harm to the buyer.
In this regard, The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
_”من غشنا ليس منا”_
_”Whosoever cheats us is not amongst us”_
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Muslim in his ‘Sahih’#101.
Lastly, know verily that, cheating is forbidden in all form of transaction. The seller is also recommended to fulfill his scale without any injustice. Mixing food with other things like dust is also Haram. In addition, *Bai’al-Najsh*(I.e a situation where a person offers a higher price for an item without a real intention to buy it, but just to cheat another person to drive up the price beyond reasonable level) is highly *condemned* by the sharia.
*29th Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!