Daily Posts

Conditions of Tawbah 04



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

_*Conditions of At-tawbah.*_

Know verily, may Allāh illumine your heart, that amongst the conditions which make one’s repentance to be sound and valid is to build a strong and firm resolve of not returning back to the sin in the future.

The similitude of this, is as though a sick person who was informed by a physician to desist from a certain fruit due to its negative effect on his sickness and he can only go for it after his recovery. Surely, at this spot, the determination of the sick person will be firm on sticking to the condition outlined by the physician, though after sometimes, he might be overwhelmed by the fruit due to his desire for it.

Therefore, one’s repentance cannot be sound except with a firm resolve of not going back to the sin at the point of repentance. And this is achieved through seclusion, keeping silent, eating and sleeping less, sticking to halal source of sustenance, leaving that which are ambiguous and being moderate in terms of desires and wears.

Some people were reported to have said:

_Whoever is truthful as regard his repentance from a desire, and strive hard in that regard for seven times shall never be tried by it._

And others said:

_Whoever repents from a sin and remains firm on his repentance for seven years, will never return to it again forever._

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*2nd Dhul Hijjah,1439H.*



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