_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
It was reported that ‘Abdullāh Ibn ‘Amir bought a house from Khālid Ibn ‘Uqbah at the rate of ninety thousand dirham. During the night, the family of Khālid heard about the screaming of some people closed to them, Khālid then asked about the people and they told him that, they are crying about their sold house. Khālid said:
O you! Go and tell them that the house and the money is now for them.
And also, it is reported that ‘Aliyyu Ibn Al-Husain visited Muhammad Ibn usama Ibn Zaid during his sickness, he then saw him crying, Aliyyu said: What’s the problem? He said: I have some debts on my neck, he said: How much it is? He said: fifteen thousand Dīnār. Aliyyu responded to him by saying: The debts is on me now.
Lastly, it is reported that a man came to Ma’an and said: O son, I lost my camel and one thousand Dīnār. Ma’an then paid the money and gave him another camel without even knowing the man.
*6th Ramadān,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!