Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Also, take a look at how Allāh Taā’la Has made the sun subservient and its creation, though, it is far away from the earth, and it gives warmth to it at different time, so that it may give cold or heat in terms of needs.
And He created the moon and He Has placed the cold as a moist for fruits the way He placed the heat of the sun as a means to enable the fruits to ripe with the power of Allāh Taā’la.
In addition, All the stars in the sky were made subservient for certain benefits, the way the sun and moon were made subservient, all these are made to achieve certain wisdom which may hardly be comprehended totally by man.
And for the fact that not all items of food are found in the same place, Allāh Has placed traders who have the zeal for gathering wealth, though in most cases, they are not satisfied, they are only engrossed with accumulating wealth.
Thus, it is either they are drowned with the wealth by the sea during the journey, or the wealth are seized by the pirates, or they die in one of those lands before getting to their destination which is then taken by the king of such land, or the best of their situation is for them to reach their homes safely and the wealth is latterly inherited by their inheritors, though these inheritors at times, are the most severe enemy to them if they really know.
Therefore, just take a glance at how Allāh Taā’la Has caused endless hope and negligence to overwhelm them, to the extent that they are ready to undergo difficulties and pains by crossing the oceans, dangers, to carry varieties of food and all sorts of needs from the farthest parts of the world to the other parts.
That said. Know that, primarily, people have become ungrateful regarding gratitude due to ignorance and negligence. Though, amongst people are those who have knowledge about the graces.
But they thought that the best way of expressing gratitude is just by mere altering “Alhamdulillāh” with the tongue While they refused to realize that the true meaning of gratitude is to utilize the graces for its programmed wisdom which is to *obey Allāh Taā’la*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*17th Rabī’u Ath-thānī, 1440H.*