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Curing Diseases of the Heart



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_

Know verily that, the illness of a body cannot be cured except by using an opposite element to fight the illness, if the cause of the sickness to the body is due to hot condition, then a cold condition is applied to subdue the heat, and if is it due to coldness, then heat is applied in this case to upgrade the temperature.

Likewise, in the case of the heart, bad characters which are diseases to the heart are cured using its opposite, thus, disease of ignorant is cured by knowledge, disease of miserliness is cured by generosity, disease of arrogance is cured by humbleness, and disease of excessive desires is cured by denying the heart what it likes of excessiveness.

In addition, in curing the sickness of the body, there is no doubt that, one need to be patient on the pain and bitterness of taking drugs, and one also need to be highly patient from taking that which may harm the body so that the body can attain treatment and quick recovery.

Likewise, there is no doubt, one have to bear the difficulty in struggling with the heart, and be patient on the pain in curing the disease of the heart, rather, the patient in curing the disease of the heart is even greater as against that of the body, for the disease of the body will seize after death, while the disease of the heart is a everlasting punishment which may even come after death.

Moreover, if one feels weakness in determination, then one should be patient and should not give up, and if the determination still decreases with time, then one should punish the heart so that it will not repeat the same mistake.

In this regard, it was reported that a man said to himself:

_تتكلمين فيما لا يعنيك؟ لأعاقبنك بصوم سنة_

_”You are indulging and talking about that which does not concern you, I swear that I will punish you by fasting for a year.”_

Though, the man may have passed the limit in punishing himself because it is not allowed to fast for a year consecutively in the shariah, but one can fast siyām of Dawud in this case.

However, it is recommended and beloved that, whosoever is teaching and coaching others on how to purify their heart from bad characters that, he should not rush into it except after he has acquitted himself with their various behaviors and the diseases of their hearts, for the treatment of the diseases of the heart of individuals differs.

Therefore, if he should come across an ignorant person about his deen, then he should teach him, and if he sees an arrogant person, then he should direct him on what will make him to be humble, or if it is a furious person, then he should teach him about being patient and forbearance.

And most importantly, a trainer or Ālim needs strong determination and steadfastness in coaching others, if he is the type of person that dwindles and lack determination, then he may not reach his goals.

*19th Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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