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The Munkarāt of the Market



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

*II. The munkarāt of the market:*

Of it, is the lying in the real price of a commodity and hiding its deficiency, thus, whosoever says I bought this goods at the rate of 10dirham, and the profit in it is 1dirham, while lying, is a fāsiq.

Therefore, it is wājib upon whosoever knows about the deception of the seller regarding his goods to notify the buyer, for if he should remain silent during the transaction, has indeed participated in the corruption.

Likewise, if he is aware of the defects in the goods, it is incumbent on him to explain that to the buyer, and also, the disparities between measurement, it is wājib upon whosoever knows about it to rectify it by himself or the seller should be reported to the authority until he rectify it.

And of it, is the placing of some condition that are illegal and against the sharīà during transaction, and the use of Riba, and the selling of games and carved pictures etc.

*27th Safar, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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