Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalaani – rahimahullaah – said:
It is reported from Abu Hurairah radiyallaahu anhu- who said – The Messenger of Allah -salallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
“Verily, you cannot satisfy people with your wealth, but your cheerful faces and good morals makes them satisfied.”
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Abu Ya’la(11/428) and Al-Hakim graded it as Sahih while Shaykh Al-Albaani declared it as Da’if in “Adda’ifah”#634.
The hadith shows the importance of the following:
♦ It shows that one cannot satisfy the people with his wealth. Rather, one can attain their satisfaction by being soft, cheerful and good to them.
♦ It encourages good morals and conducts.
♦ It illustrates the importance of good behaviors.
Allaahu A’alam!
Baarakallaahu feekum!