Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalaani – rahimahullaah – said:
It is reported from Ibn Masu’d radiyallaahu anhu- who said – The Messenger of Allah -salallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
” Oh Allah! The way You Have made my creation perfect and beautiful, Oh Allah also perfect my behaviors”
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Ahmad in his “Sunan”#3813. And Ibn Hibban declared it as Sahih(3/239).
The hadith shows the importance of the following:
♦ It shows that it is good for one to pray to Allah-The Almighty to increase him in good morals and to cleanse him from immorality.
♦ It encourages making du’a to Allah in everything one needs.
♦ It shows that one should acknowledge what Allah Has bestowed upon him of His blessing and he should also pray to Allah for more blessing.
Allaahu A’alam!
Baarakallaahu feekum!