Imaam Ahmad bn Raslaan Ash-Shaafi’i – rahimahullah – said in his book ‘Safwatu Az-Zubad’
والعلم أسني سائر الأعمال * وهو دليل الخير والإفضال
ففرضه علم صفات الفرد * مع علم ما يحتاجه المؤدي
من فرد دين الله في الدوام * كالطهر الصلاة والصيام
والبيع للمحاج للتبايع * وظاهر الأحكام في الصنائع
وعلم داء للقلوب مفسد * كالعجب والكبر وداء الحسد
وما سوي هذا من الأحكام * فرض كفاية علي الأنام
Al-Ilm is the best of all other deeds; for it is the guide to merit and good indeed.
What is obligatory of it is knowledge of the Attributes of The Unique (Allah); alongside knowledge of everything a doer will ever do Such as the knowledge of Allah’s Din that is practiced everyday; such as Taharah, Salaat and Siyaam
And the science of transacting business for he who engages in that; and the apparent rulings of trade and crafts
And the knowledge of the Science of the Diseases of the Heart; Such as Self-Conceit (Al-Ujub), Arrogance (Al-Kibr) and the disease of Envy (Al-Hasad)
And other than these of the (Islamic) Rulings and Injunctions; is a Fard Kifaaya upon the (Muslim) Peoples”
(ref: Safwatu Az-Zubad; Kitaab Ilmi Al-Usul)
Let us, O People, make sure we learn what is obligatory on us of the Islamic Sciences as listed here by Imaam Ibn Raslaan – rahimahullah – if you haven’t known them, then seek a teacher to teach you.
Jazaakumullaahu khayran!