It was reported from Isa bn Yunus from Al-Awza’i, from Hibbaan bn Abi Jabala, from Abi Ad-Dardaa’ who said:
“Had the Messenger of Allah – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – come upon you today, he would not have recognized anything in what is practiced which He and his Companions were upon other than Salaat”
Imaam Al-Awzaa’i – rahimahullaah – said:
“So, what would be said about this era of ours?”
Imaam Isa bn Yunus – rahimahullah – (student of Al-Awza’i) himself said:
“So, what would it have been, had Al-Awza’i witnessed this era?”
(Ref: “Al-Bid’a Wa An-Nah’y anha” by Ibn Waddaah)
Dear ones, we have to understand that the Messenger of Allah – salallaahu alayhi wasallam – came with the Path which should and must be followed by us as Muslims. Therefore, let us stick to it adherently.
Jazaakumullaahu khayran!