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Imaam Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalaani rahimahullaah said:
It is reported from Abu Hurairah radiyallaahu anhu- who said – The Messenger of Allah -salallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
“Avoid jealousy between yourselves, do not outbid one another (with a view to raising the price), do not harbor hatred against one another, do not bear enmity against one another, one of you should not enter into a transaction when the other has already entered into it; and be slaves of Allah and fellow brothers.
A Muslim is a brother to another Muslim, he does not oppress, desert or despise him. Piety is found here (pointing three times to his chest), it is enough evil for one to despise his Muslim brother.
Every Muslim’s properties are Haraam(unlawful) to be violated by another Muslim ranging from his blood, wealth and honor.”
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Muslim in his “Sahih”#2564.

The hadith shows the importance of the following:

♦ It shows that it is disliked and haraam (proscribed) for one to envy his brother. Envy is desiring the removal of a blessing from the one truly deserving it.

Normally, the causes of envy is because the envious person desires to treat highhandedly the person who is conferred some merit or favor, which is not possible unless those favors and merits are lost, the envious person is puzzled to see the great blessing enjoyed by the object of his envy, the envious man is apprehensive of some hindrance on the part of the person enjoying an advantage or merit that may frustrate his cherished aims and objectives etc.

♦ It indicates that nasheed (I.e artificially inflating prices with a fraudulent intention) is prohibited and disliked in Islam. The word NAJSH in Arabic terms means provoking, and is also used to refer to the action of prodding a bird to enter a trap or cage. It refers to pushing the purchaser to fall into the vendor’s trap so that he buys at an inflated price.

This is achieved by having another man attend the auction and make bids without wanting to buy, but just to increase the price. However, selling by auctions is permissible according to the soundest and most correct opinion of the scholars. In an auction, the vendor offers his goods for sale, and the purchaser offers to buy them for a certain price. If the vendor does not accept that price, that is the end of the matter and there is no transaction.

A second purchaser can then offer a higher price, and so on. In this case, each offer is a separate and independent deal, and there is nothing wrong with that. But in Najsh the third person is not intending to buy the product in the first place, it is just to provoke the purchaser and to increase the price. And whether this is done by agreement with the vendor or not, it is still proscribed to that.

♦ It shows that no one should harbor hatred against another Muslim or bear enmity between one another. However, in a situation where there is the disobedience of Allah, then for one to hate the doer because of the act is permissible and wanted.

If the limits of Allah are being transgressed upon and one is not angry or does not hate it in his heart, rather he is even happy and okay with it, that shows that one has an element of hypocrisy in his heart and his Imaan is extremely weak.
In addition, hatred is lawful in cases of religious affair’s when its honours are at stake. When a person is a smoker, you hate him because of his action not him as a person and at any time he need your assistance in other matters especially regarding his religion, one should hasten to render the assistance in such a case.

And to bear enmity to the kuffar is compulsory and wanted. However, this does not mean one should not be good to them. Call them to Islam with wisdom and good character but do not comprise your religion in order to please them. Whether they are please with us or not, Allah suffices us.

♦ It indicates that it is disliked and abhorrent to enter into a transaction when your Muslim brother has already entered into it. These type of transactions involves any form, be it marriage, businesses, discussions, etc. It is so unfortunate nowadays, to find those so called UZTAZ perpetuating this type of evil act.

They enter into marriage transaction with a sister while knowing fully that she is already engaged with another person. Allah will surely punish any brother that is involved in this type of transaction.

Before you engage yourself into marriage transaction, ask the sister first whether she is engaged or not. If she is engaged, search for another sister some where else and surely your luck will not pass you.

♦ It encourages one not to oppress, desert or despise his Muslim brother.

♦ It is abhorrent to violate the properties of a Muslim or to trample on his honor.

♦ It shows that Taqwah (piety) is found in the heart.
Piety is for one to obey the commandment of Allah and to shun what he has made Haraam . If one always perpetuate evil acts, and at the same time he claimed that piety is found in the heart, such a person must have an element of hypocrisy in his heart.

It is very important we know that fear of Allah always materialize in ones actions , mode of dressing and conversations. There is no way a sister will dress with out wearing hijab or half naked and still claim to have piety in her heart. Such a sister is only mocking and deceiving her self.
If one should preach to her by saying” oh sister fear Allah and be wearing hijab”; She will quickly jump up and provide a deceptive excuses by saying” piety is in the heart”. We need to be sincere to Allah in all our activities. We should not be like the Jews that accepted some part of the book and rejected some part. Piety always manifest and appear in one’s action and no two way about it.

If you dress in an Islamic way, we honor you and respect you and what is hidden in your heart is well known by Allah. And if you dress half naked, we will denounce you and consider you among the worst of the creation. For we are commanded to judge people with what is apparent or evident to us and we leave what is hidden to Allah the way an authentic hadith point to that.

Allaahu A’alam!

Baarakallaahu feekum!


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