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Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-


Know verily that, the verses and the AHādīth Has showed that the nature of death is the departure of the soul from the body, and that the soul never perished, is either being punished or enjoying pleasure, and the soul feels pains due to punishment and likewise it feels comforts due to blessings and pleasure.

It maintains these attributes even after leaving the body, however all its physical attachment to the body come to an end after death until it returns to the body either in the grave or on the Day of Resurrection.

Know, oh beloved ones, that, death means the separation of the Soul from the body, and the body is not more a tool for the soul. And it implies the separation of man from his wealth, family and Dunya as a whole to another world which is entirely different.

If he is someone who is mesmerised with the amusement of the transitory life and its pursue, his regret becomes severe after death. However, if he doesn’t feel comfortable except with the Zikr of Allāh Ta’āla, then he his pleased with the departure from his family and the Dunya since the worldly matters distract him from the Zikr of Allāh Ta’āla.

After death, affairs are uncovered to the dead person which are hidden to him while in Dunya, like the way a sleeping person perceives things differently from what he sees after awakening.

Thus, People are as though sleeping in this Dunya, after death, they are awakens.

The first thing unscreened to him is the result of his bad or good deeds. These are all written in the Divine ordinance and recorded in his heart but he was negligent of them due to his total engrossment in the search of the worldly gains.

But when one’s life comes to an end, all hidden are exposed to the extent that he strongly regrets his sins and wishes to be given another chance in this Dunya to rectify his deeds. Alas! Allah does not respite a soul when its appointed term has come. All these anxieties are experienced by the sinner before being buried. May Allāh save us.

Allāhu A’alām.

Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

5th Sha’bān, 1441H.





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