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Deeds of a Servant



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

Know verily that, fear of Allāh and Hoping for His mercy are two constants that must not be separated from the deeds of a servant.

Therefore, whosoever doesn’t fear the wrath of Allāh nor hope for His mercy is a lured person. And it is clear that, at times, too much hope of the Mercy of Allāh may make one not to hasten for repentance especially in this era of ours.

That said, but in the case of the generation of the companions, they work tirelessly towards good and they fear the non acceptance of their deeds. Whereas, in this era, the opposite is true. They feel secured from the torment of Allāh despite their laxity towards good and they are pleased, contented with this worldly life. Thus, Do you think such type of people know more of the blessings and generosity of Allāh Ta’āla than what is known to the prophets and the pious ones?

And if it were to be that this affair ( I.e Jannah) can only be attained by just empty claim without striving hard, then, why did the pious Salaf worked extremely hard in order to please Allāh?

The people of the book were not blamed if not because of this similar situation where Allāh says:

_يَأْخُذُونَ عَرَضَ هَٰذَا الْأَدْنَىٰ وَيَقُولُونَ سَيُغْفَرُ لَنَا_
_Taking only the frail good of this low life and saying: we shall be forgiven…_

*Suratu Al-Aa’rāf, verse 169.*

And whosoever is deceived by thinking that he may attain salvation due to good acts of his forefathers, then he should go through the qissah of prophet Nūh a’layhissalam with his son, Prophet Ibrāhim a’layhissalam with his father, and the rest of the prophets.

And what is not far fetched from this type of delusion is the deception of some people with good deeds and sins, except that their sins are much as against their good acts, and they presume that their good acts will out scale the good ones.

Thus, at times, you shall see one of them giving out a dirham as Sadaqah and he has forcibly stolen thousands of darāhim, and it may be that, the dirham he gave out as sadaqah is from the ones he seized forcibly. But due to his ignorance, he will rely on that sadaqah for his salvation.

Therefore, he is as though a person who has placed a dirham on a scale and thousand darāhim in another scale, and hopes that the one dirham should outweigh the thousand darāhim.

And amongst them, are those who think that their good deeds are greater than their sins, and the cause of this is that, they make account of their good deeds but they don’t make account for the bad ones nor crosscheck their mistakes.

Hence, their situation is like one who makes istighfār and tasbīh hundred times in a day while at the same time, spending his whole day slandering, backbiting the Muslims, and discussing that which is forbidden, while looking at the status of his tasbīh and istighfār, and he is negligent of the punishment for backbiting others and diving in that which is forbidden and disliked.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*15th Jumādal Ūla,1439H.*



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