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Different Situations of a Munkir (The One who Commands Good and Forbids Evil)



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

*DIFFERENT SITUATION OF A MUNKIR(I.e the person who command good and forbid evil).*

Know verily that, the situation of a MUNKIR is classified into four;

*A.* For the munkir to have full assurance that the evil will stop by his deeds and nasīha without any harm meeting him. In this case, it is wājib for him to make inkār regarding the evil.

*B.* For him to know that his admonishment will not benefit nor stop the evil and if he should speak out he will be beaten, in this case, the obligation of making the inkār is lifted on him.

*C.* For him to know that the inkār has no benefit, However, he is not afraid of any harassment or torture, in this case, it is not wājib to make the inkār because of lack of benefits, but he is highly recommended to show the symbol of Islam apparently and to also remind others of their responsibility towards the religion.

*D.* For him to believe that harm will surely befall him if he should make inkār, but the evil act will eventually stop by his action. For instance, like destroying the musical instruments or breaking the bottles of beers, and he knows that after his action he will be severely beaten, thus, in this case, the wājib is lifted on him, but it is beloved and recommended that he should stick to the high stand and still carryout the act despite the punishment. This is because the Rasūl sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam said:

_”أفضل الجهاد كلمة حق عند سلطان جائر”_

_”The best of jihad is speaking the truth to an unjust ruler.”_

Transmitted and Recorded by Imām Abu Dawud in ‘Sunan#4344. And our beloved Shaykh Al Albāni declared it as Sahih in ‘Assilsilatu Assahīhah’#491.

*19th Safar, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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