_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
And amongst the ulama, are those who know that the diseases of the heart are blameworthy and they are highly recommended to be censored, except that, in their own case, they were mesmerized about themselves and feel secured from falling into such vices, and they think that they have attained high status in the side of Allāh let alone being tried by such tribulations, and the trials are only for those whose foots are not deep rooted in knowledge nor up to their status.
And if it appears in them some level of arrogance and love of prestige, they may seek to exempt themselves from such bad characters by saying:
_This is not an arrogant act in itself, rather, it is a form of seeking honor for the deen, and to show the status of knowledge, and to degrade the innovators. And if we were to wear a low quality cloth, and sit amongst the lowly ones, the enemies of Islām will surely rejoice over us, and they will be happy with our humiliation, and in our dishonoring, the religion is discredited by so doing._
However, these type of ‘Ulama have forgotten the plots of the shaitan, and it is the shaitan who beautifies this despicable thought for them. And this is because the Messenger and His companions used to prefer being humble and simple.
In this regard, it was reported that ‘Umar Radiyallāhu anhu rode on a camelback to shām and he was accompanied by a servant. On getting to shām, it was the turn of the servant to ride the camel. However, as a sign of respect for the khalīfah, the servant wanted him to ride the camel at that spot, but ‘Umar refused and entered shām on foot while the servant rode the camel.
Abu ‘Ubaidah on seeing this act of humbleness by ‘Umar, said:
_Indeed, you have done something great and strange before the people of the land, perhaps you might…?_
‘Umar then slapped him on the chest and said:
_How I wish this statement of yours was altered by someone else not you Ya Abā ‘Ubaidah. We were a humiliated people, but Allāh honored us with Islām, and whenever we seek honor through other means, Allāh will surely humiliate us_.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*26nd Jumadal Ūla,1439H.*