Daily Posts

Diseases of the Heart 02: Envy



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_

Know verily that, some people falsely claimed that there is benefits in envying others due to the sorrow and sadness it causes to the enemy.

Meanwhile, they have forgotten that, the pains experienced within the heart of envying others is greater and marvelous as against the pains it causes to the enemy.

Thus, whosoever reflects deeply about what we mentioned above, will realize that, by envying others, one is just an enemy to oneself, and a friend to one’s enemy.

And the similitude of one in this case, is just like a person who throws a stone against his enemy in order to kill him but the stone missed him and it later returns back to him thereby pulling out the pupil of his right eye and it rather increases his pains.

Despite this, he still tried to throw another second stone, but it also fails to get to his enemy and it returns back to him again pulling out the pupil of his left eye thereby blinding the eye completely and his grieve increases.

And also, upon this, he still have not learn from his mistake, rather, he tried for the third time may be he might hit his target, but to no avail, the stone returns to him thereby at this time, smashing his head totally. Whereas, his enemy is in sound condition jesting and laughing at him. Hence, this is just the example of one who envies others.

Therefore, if one ponders on it, the fire of the envy in his heart fade away and die down with time.

*1st Sha’aban,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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