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Distribution of Status in the Hereafter on the Ground of Good and Bad Acts in the Dunya.



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

*_Regarding the Distribution of Status In The Hereafter on the Ground of Good and Bad Acts in the Dunya._*

Know verily, May Allāh illumine your heart that, people are of different status in the Hereafter the way they are of different degrees in this dunya, and they are divided into four categories as to their status:

A). The perished ones.

B). Those that will be punished.

C). The saved ones.

D). The favored ones.

And the similitude of this is as though a king who conquered a province, kills some of its people, and punishes others without killing them, sets others free, and favors others.

If this king is just, he will surely divide them according to their deeds, he will not kill except those who deny his kinship, being stubborn on his obedience, and he will not punish except those who fall short of paying service while accepting his kinship, and he will not set free except those who testify to his kinship and do not fall short of rendering service to him.

Also, he will not favor except those who spend their life in his service and toward his kinship.

Each of this division differs in terms of enjoyment, punishment depending on the situation surrounding them.

In this context, is the hadīth that was reported that some people would pass the sirāt like lightening, and amongst them are those who would remain in Hell for seven thousand years, but there is great different between a moment and seven thousand years.

As for the difference in the severity of the torment, the most grievous is the one without end while the least punishment is in discussing ones acts, the way a king may punish some people who fall short in some acts through discussing their acts, and then forgives them, and at times, he may flog them with a whip or he may punish them within other ways.

Likewise, the degrees of the successful ones differ regarding their happiness in the Hereafter.

However, all these matters are known through narrations and the light of knowledge.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*4th Ramadān,1439H.*




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