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Distribution of Status in the Hereafter on the Ground of Good and Bad Acts in the Dunya 03



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_

Then the dimwitted imitators on the straight path will be raised to Jannah, and the knowledgeable people will be raised to the highest levels in Jannah.

As for what we mentioned of the different status of people in the Hereafter, then that is based on apparent asbāb.

The similitude is as though the Hukm of a doctor on the high possibility of a patient to pass away because of his severe condition and of his incurable disease and his hukm on another patient that his disease is fair and its treatment is simple, and such thoughts of his is right in most scenarios.

However, maybe the soul of the latter is ruined without the doctor realising, and may breathe his last breathe without the doctor being aware of it, and this is because of those things that Allāh Has made secret which are hidden.

And in the soul of the people alive there obscures things regarding the causes that the creator Has placed, and the power and nature of human being could not dictate its intrinsic features, likewise, success and suffering in the Hereafter have their hidden causes which no human power has the ability to know their essence.

And likewise, the sinner may be overlooked and pardoned by Allāh despite his grievous sins while he may punish the obedient person despite his apparent good deeds, and this is because deeds are built on Taqwah, and taqwah is only attached to the heart, and the true condition of the heart may be obscured to its owner let alone others.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*23rd Shawwal,1439H.*




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