Daily Posts

Division of Fear



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

As for the first division, which is the extreme fear, it exceeds moderate limit which may lead to despair and hopelessness, it is also blameworthy; since it hinders action, and at times, it may cause sickness, death.

Hence, whatever aspect is suit for a certain matter, then the praiseworthy of that aspect is that which will lead to its program objective, then what’s defective or excessive in it, is blameworthy, the sole aim of fear is to install piety, At-taqawah, struggling, reflecting, Zikr, and the rest of the asbāb which lead to Allah Ta’āla, and all these are required, with sound health and intellect, and if there is deficiency in any of these, then it is blameworthy.

But if it was said: what can you say regarding the one who passed away due to fear?

Answer: know that, he achieves due to his passing away through that means a stage that may not be obtainable if he died normally, except that if he had lives and rises to a higher level that would have been better and beloved, since the best form of victory is to have long life in the obedience of Allah Ta’āla, and anything that may affect one’s life, intellect and sound health in that regard is a loss and failure.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

16th Sha’abān,1440H.





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