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Divisions of Patience



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

Divisions of Patience.

Know verily that, patience is divided into two basic categories:

First: Physical Patience, like bearing difficulties and stress, and like being patient with some difficult ‘ibādat or its likes.

Second: Physiological patience, which is for the soul to be patient from what it loves and desires. Thus, if the patience is based on what the stomach and Farj desire, then it is called _’iffah(chastity)_, and if the patience is in terms of qitāl, it is called _shajā’ah(courage)_, and if it is in suppressing anger it is called _hilman(clemency)_, and if it is in shunning away from excessive pleasure it is called _Zuhd_, and if it is in being patient with little it is called _qanā’ah(content)._

From what we just mentioned, it has shown that most of the different characters of Īmān come under patience, though their names differ based on different situations.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*4th Al-Muharram,1439H.*




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