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Divisions Of Patience 03



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

The Second kind:

That which contradicts the desires, and this is of three different categories:

The First:

Obedience, a servant needs to be patient on it, for soul in its nature, always runs away from ‘ībādāt. And there are some ‘ībādāt which are highly disliked due to laziness such as _Salah_ ,and of them are those which are disliked due to greediness such as _Zakah_, and of them, are those which are disfavored due to both reasons such as _Hajj_ and _Jihād._

The devout servant needs to be patient in his ‘Ibādāt in three stages: before beginning the ‘Ibādah, which is to purify his intention, and be sincere and patient from any form of showoff.

And during the course of ‘Ibādah, he should worship Allāh Ta’āla with a conscious heart, and he should observe the various Ādāb and Sunan, thus, he should stick to patience to the end of the ‘Ibādah.

And after the ‘Ibādah, he should not propagate it for the purpose of showoff and he should beware of anything that may make the act invalid such as reproach and injury in terms of charity which makes it worthless.

The second:

Being patient from Sins. Know that, indeed, a servant is in dire need of this kind of patience. And it is even more difficult when it comes to the acts that are easily committed such as backbiting, lies, argumentation and the likes.

For instance, seeing one wearing silky wear, one condemns him, but when he slanders, one doesn’t see that as a great munkar let alone condemning such a person of his act. Thus, whosoever cannot control his tongue from indulging into haram talks nor stick to patience, then seclusion is the only way out for him.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*8th Al-Muharram,1440H.*




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