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Don`t always be asking about the Attributes of Allah `Azza Wa Jalla



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_


Amongst the calamities of the common people is their asking so much about the sifāt of Allāh, the Almighty and His speeches.

Know verily that, Satan may whisper to a common person that by his indulging into matters that has to do with ulamā he becomes amongst the ulamā and people of high status. However, that is not the case.

Thus, shaitan will not seize making this indulging in matters that he has no knowledge about and which has to do with ulamā beloved and likeable to him until he makes him to alter a word that may take him out of the dīn while he is not aware of it.

In this regard, the prophet(ﷺ) said:

_يوشك الناس أن يسألوا، حتى يقولوا: هذا الله خلق الخلق فمن خلق الله._

_People will not stop asking questions until they say, this is Allāh, the creator of everything, then who created Allāh.?_

Transmitted by Imām Al-Bukhārī #3276.

Therefore, the indulging of the common people in matters that is specific to ulamā is one of the greatest calamity, and their searching regarding the attributes of Allāh destroys them and it doesn’t rectify them at all.

Hence, what is compulsory upon them is to submit to such serious matters without indulging in it, to believe in them as they were mentioned in the glorious Qur’an, and to accept what came from the messenger(ﷺ) and to occupy themselves with Ibādāt.

For verily, busying themselves with searching for those hidden knowledge which has to do with the attributes of Allāh is like the searching of a servant patterning the secret of his master.

*4th Jumādā Ath-thāni,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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