Daily Posts

Eating with Others



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

*Eating food with others*

When one is eating food with others, some ethics are recommended in order not to causing discomfort to others.

Among these morals are;

1. One should not start eating before an elderly person or someone who is more better than one in status. One should respect his presence.

2. One should not remain silent while eating with others. Rather, they should have a praiseworthy discussions.

3. Each of them should prefer his fellow brother to get more satisfied when eating compared to himself.

4. When one is eating with others, one should not glance at his fellow brothers in order not to make them feel discouraged from eating.

5. One should avoid unpleasant acts such as shaking his hand in the plate, putting his head over the plate while eating.

6. If one want to take something out his out mouth, then one should divert his mouth from the plate and take it out by using his left hand.

*3rd Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*
*5th September, 2016.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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