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Engrossing in Pursue of this Dunya



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, the greatest vice is the love of this worthless world and engrossing in its pursue, and the best way that one can safeguard oneself from this calamity is for one not to attach one’s heart to it.

Being occupied with the luxuries of this world make one to be comfortable with its temporary amusement and the heart inclines towards it.

However, if one is tested with adversities, the heart turns away from the materials of the world and rushes towards Allāh for rescue.

Then in this situation, it is as though a prisoner whose optimum aim is to be released from his bondage.

As for feeling pain during the test, then that’s necessary because it is a purification process. It is like taking a bitter medicine to cure a disease. Verily, one feels pain at the beginning, but at long run, one feels happy after the cure.

For this reason, one is encouraged to be patient on adversities and to show gratitude to Allāh. And to also remember that, great reward is awaiting those who bear patience for their calamities.

That said. We have mentioned different adversities and the reward for being patient on them. However, one may argue that: the narrations on the virtue of patience imply that adversity in this dunya is preferable than fortune, thus, should we supplicate to Allāh ‘Azzawajal to be afflicted with calamities?

Answer: No, this has no bases in the first place. It is not permissible for one to ask Allah to be afflicted. But, if one is afflicted, then one is encouraged to be patient and to await great from Allah.

In this context, it is reported from Anas Ibn Mālik radiyallāhu anhu, who said that, the Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam visited a man amongst the Muslim in order to inquire about his health who had grown weak like the chicken, the Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam then said to him:

_Did you supplicate for anything or beg of Him about that? He responded: Yes, I used to say: “Oh Allah, what You are going impose upon me of punishment in the Hereafter, impose it upon me earlier in this dunya,”. The Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam then said to him: Subhānallāh! You have neither the power nor forbearance to take upon yourself the burden of His Punishment, it is better you should say: O Allah, grant us good in the world and good in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of Hell fire._

Reported by Imām Muslim#2688.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*17th Jumāda Ath-thānī,1440H.*




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