Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu
2. Do not enjoin others to be good while you neglect yourself. Rather, practise what you call others to of righteousness so that your words may have impact in their heart thereof.
Also, In preaching to others, be mindful of two matters:
Don’t sugarcoat in speeches with phrases, signs, or poems and don’t exceed limits; for Allāh hates excessiveness in matters. And excessiveness in matters is a sign of heedlessness of the heart.
While the meaning of At-tadhkīr is for a servant to remember Hell, his weakness in the servitude of his Lord, reflecting over the time spent on matters that are of no benefits, pondering over the punishment of the one who dies without Īmān, his situation when ceased by angels, answering questions in the grave, his situation on the day of Resurrection, the crossing over the sirāt. Reflecting over all these issues is termed as tadhkīran.
Calling others to take heed against all these matters and to prepare and amend their negligence and shortcomings is termed as sermoning.
However, in sermoning, one should beware of beautifying words or sugarcoating, for this shows lack of sincerity.
The similitude of this as though forecasting a torrent which may attack the house of your neighbour. Due to your love for him you hasten to warn against such danger by saying: be careful oh my neighbour, flee from this area, for there is an upcoming torrent.
Off course, in this scenario, you will never sugarcoat nor tease your neighbour over this great danger awaiting due to your sincerity for him.
Hence, does it sound well for a preacher who is aware of the dangers awaiting his people on day of Resurrection to be sugarcoating or beautifying his words unnecessarily when warning them against those risks?
Indeed, it doesn’t make sense at all. Hence, beware of lack of sincerity so that you may prosper.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
1st Shawwal, 1441H.