_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
In addition to the Adaab of relationship between couples that we mentioned in our previous daily post, a husband is also encouraged to carryout the following Adaab:
1. He is encouraged to teach his wife about her deen generally.
2. If he happens to have more than one wife, he should treat them equally. However, treating them equally in terms of love and fun is overlooked by the sharia because it is out of the husband’s control.
3. If the wife disobeys him, he should admonish her by following the process outlined by the sharia.
4. In the Adaab of sexual relationship, one is encouraged to begin with the Name of Allah and avoid facing Al-qiblah, and also, he is recommended to carry all the necessary Adaab in the relationship.
5. If the husband is blessed with a child, he should be happy with what Allah Has bestowed upon him of His blessings and should not differentiate between a baby boy and a baby girl. For he doesn’t know where the goodness lies. He should also name his child with a good name.
In this regard, it is reported from Ibn Umar radiyallaahu anhu who said_ The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
_”إن أحب أسمائكم إلى الله عز وجل عبد الله و عبد الرحمن”_
_Verily, the most beloved names in the side of Allah Azzawajal are Abdullah and AbdurRahmaan.”_
Lastly, whosoever named his child with a bad name, is encouraged to change the name. For the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam changed some names of His companions because of its bad meaning.
*24th Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!