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Examples of Selflessness



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_


Know verily that, many examples have been narrated which points to the selflessness of the companions.

Amongst it, is the incident that took place in the battle of Yarmouk – a major battle between the Muslim army and the army of the Byzantine Empire – where ‘Ikrimah Ibn Abī Jahl, Suhail Ibn Amrū, Al-Hārith Ibn Hishām and some Jamā’ah amongst Banī Al-Mughīrah underwent serious hunger and thirst.

Water was then brought forth to them. Due to their selflessness, each one of them sees his brother to be more in need of the water compared to himself, thus, they all hasten to sacrifice for one another.

However, before the water got back to the first of the companion which is ‘Ikrimah Ibn Abī Jahl, they all got shahādah without even taking a sip of the water. *Allāhu Akbar* that shows the love and selflessness of the companions to their fellow Muslim brother.

Also, regarding the selflessness of the companions, a companion was reported to have given out the head of a sheep to his brother as a gift, then the companion said: My brother is more in need compare to me, then he sent it to him, then it was sent to him until it went round to seven different houses, and it later came back to the first person.

In addition, it was narrated that ‘Abdullāhi Ibn Ja’far made a journey to his fruit farm, then he got to a date Palm where a black boy is working in it, and he has some food with him. Suddenly, a dog entered into the fortress, then the boy moved closer to the dog and threw some portion of the food to him and then the dog ate, then he threw the second portion to him, the dog also ate, then he threw the third portion to him, the dog ate as usual and ‘Abdullāh was looking at him, then he said:

How much food do you have for a day? He said: what you saw with me now. He said: then why do you chose to prefer the dog over yourself?

He said: I disliked to send away a dog coming from a far distance not for nothing except for hunger. He said: what will you eat after it? He said:

I will starve myself for today. ‘Abdullāh Ibn Ja’far then said: This boy is more generous than me, he then bought the garden and what it contains, and he bought the boy and freed him and gave him the garden.

Lastly, it was said that, some people gathered in a place and with them, is a small morsel of food which will not suffice them. They then made the morsel into small pieces and they switched off the light with them, and they sat to eat.

However, due to selflessness, none of them eat the food.

*12th Ramadān,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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