Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī -rahimahullāh-
Explaining the states of Tawakkul in Allāh.
Know verily that, Tawakkul is gotten from the word _Al-wikālah( delegation)_,
And they used to say:
_A man entrusted his matter to so so person, meaning he relies on him regarding his affair, and depends on him._
Normally, one doesn’t rely on a thing except it has three major qualities which are; kindness, strength, and guidance.
Hence, all strength, guidance and kindness come from Allāh, He is all knowing, He is omnipotent and controls all things.
Therefore, one should have full Tawakkul on Him due to His beautiful attributes which are all encompassing in their meanings
And also, one should only seek assistance from Allāh. However, in a case one fails to establish this thought deeply in the heart, then it is due to one of these two shortcomings: whether it is due to weakness in faith regarding the attributes of Allāh or the heart may be weakened due to being overwhelmed with fear and cowardice.
Also, if a person were to be told to pass a night with a dead person in the grave or even on the same bed or home, he will surely hate it and decline from it.
But the same person doesn’t detest from senseless things and this is the due to cowardice in the heart and that may continue till it become serious sickness to the extent, such a person may be scared to pass the night in a house alone even though all the doors are locked.
Hence, tawakkul cannot be attained except with the combination of the strength of the heart with the strength of the faith.
Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.
5th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1441H.