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Explanation of Halāl and Harām



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Know verily that, seeking for halal source of sustenance is obligatory on every Muslim. However, some ignorant people claimed that means of living must not be Halal. This is just because they lack the knowledge of Islam. For the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam was reported to have said:

_”الحلال بين، والحرام بين، وبينهما أمور مشتبهات”_

_”The Halal and Haram things are obvious, and in between them are doubtful matters. “_

Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Bukhaari in his ‘Sahih’#52 and Imaam Muslim in his ‘Sahih’#1599.

This claim from these ignorant people that a Muslim must not seek Halal source of income have really caused much harm to the people and their religion. Hence, it is compulsory to be refuted by explaining what is legal, illegal and those unclear matters.

*4th Muharram, 1438.*

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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