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Explanation on the Treatment of Patience



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

Explanation on the Treatment of patience.

Know verily may the blessings of Allāh be upon you, that Allāh Ta’āla who created disease Has also created its cure and He has also promised recovery from any disease.

Therefore, in this case of patience, even though it may entails some difficulties, it is easily obtainable with sound knowledge and practice, in both qualities is the treatment for all kind of diseases of the heart. Thus, every disease needs the combination of sound knowledge
and practice, and the treatment differs based on the symptoms and the nature of the disease.

Hence, to attain treatment, it’s to counter the cause of the disease.

For instance, if a man is unable to control himself from sexual desire, and he was overwhelmed with it to the extent that he hardly safeguards his farj, sights and heart from it, then for its treatment, three things are encouraged to be done:

First: He should stick to fasting, and he should satisfy himself with little food for iftār.

Second: He should shun away from all means that may trigger his desire through looking or thinking about it and he should seclude himself from Harām and he should lower his gaze, for gazing is a poisonous arrow amongst the arrows of iblīs.

Third: Attaching the heart to that which is halal of desire, and that’s by engaging in marriage, for every thing that’s desire in Human’s instinct of Harām, then the Shar’ Has placed a Halal to replace it in order to make the heart suffices from the Harām. And for the fact that fasting only weakens desire but it doesn’t curb it totally like the case of marriage.

Lastly, one is recommended to train himself on going against his desires, for whoever trains himself on combating his desire will surely overcome them easily with time.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*17th Al-Muharram 1440H.*




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