Daily Posts

Fear in Allah -Azza Wa Jalla



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Take a look at how the Prophet Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam mentioned the admonition with threats, when they got feared, He gave them assurance of forgiveness.

Thus, whenever the heart inclines towards desires, it should be admonished with threats, when it got terrified, then it should be assured to maintain the balance.

And Ibn Mas’h’ūd Radiyallāhu anhu said:

ليغفرن الله عز وجل يوم القيامة مغفرة لم تخطر على قلب بشر.

Allāh ‘Azzawajal will forgive people on the Day of Resurrection in a way that’s unimaginable to people.

In the same vein, it was reported that a Majūs suit for the hospitality of Prophet Ibrāhīm Al-Khalīl ‘alayhissalam but the Prophet didn’t respond to him, and He said: If you become a Muslim, I will answer to your call, then Allāh inspired the Prophet that, Oh Ibrāhīm for ninety years, I do take care of his sustenance while he disbelieves in Me, Prophet ‘alayhissalam then went after the man and informed him, he wondered of the greatness of Allāh Ta’āla, he then became Muslim.

Hence, these are some of the asbāb that stimulate the spirit of hope in the heart of the desperate ones. As for the foolish ones, they are not suppose to be admonished in that format, rather they should be addressed with the asbāb of fear, for most people are not censored except through these means, it is as though a criminal slave who is not censored except by the means of a stick.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

9th Sha’bān, 1440H.





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