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Fear of the Companions -Radiyallāhu anhum.



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Fear of the Companions Radiyallāhu anhum.

It was reported that Abū bakr As-siddīq Radiyallāhu anhu used to grasp his tongue and say: this is what led me into all calamities and evils, and He also said: I wish I was a tree to be cut and used.

Likewise, the same statement was reported from Talha and Abū Addardah and Abū Zar Radiyallāhu anhum.

And ‘Umar Ibn Al-khattāb Radiyallāhu anhu used to fall sick after listening to the Holy Qur’an due to fear and the companions would pay him a visit thereof.

And at times he would took a particle of dust and say:

I wish I was this particle of dust, I wish I was nothing worth mentioning, I wish I wasn’t born.

And it was reported that, on his face, there was a black mark due to excessive crying.

And uthmān Radiyallāhu anhu was reported to have said:

I wish I would not be resurrected after I die.

And Abū ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarāh Radiyallāhu anhu said:

I wish I was a ram that would be sacrificed by my family and the meat would be eaten .

And ‘Umrān Ibn Hasīn Radiyallāhu anhu said:

I wish I was ashes scattered by wind.

And Hudhaizah Radiyallāhu anhu said:

I wish I had a person who can take care of my wealth, then I would be confined within my home without seeing anyone till I meet Allāh ‘Azzawajal in that situation.

And it was also reported that tears formed a mark on the cheeks of Ibn ‘Abbās Radiyallāhu anhu.

And ‘Āishah Radiyallāhu anha was reported to have said:

Would that I had die before this and had been a thing quite forgotten.

And ‘Aliyy Radiyallāhu anhu said:

Wallāhi, I have never seen the likes of the companions of the Rasūl Salallāhu alayhi wasallam, they are always disturbed about their journey to Allāh, they passed the night prostrating themselves before their Lord and standing, reciting the book of Allāh, in the morning, they used to do Zikr of Allāh and they used to shear tears until their clothes became wet by it.

2nd Dhū Al-Qa’adah, 1440H.





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