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Fear of the Prophets -‘Alayhimmussalām.



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Fear of the Prophets ‘Alayhimmussalām.

Wahb Said:

‘Adām ‘alayhissalām wept for being taken out from Jannah for about 300yrs, and He has never raised up his head to look at the sky after the incidence.

Wahīb Ibn Al-Ward said:

When Allāh Ta’āla blamed Prophet Nūh ‘Alayhissalām saying:

إِنِّي أَعِظُكَ أَن تَكُونَ مِنَ الْجَاهِلِينَ

surely I admonish you lest you may be of the ignorant ones.

Sūratu Hūd, Verse 40.

He also wept for about 300yrs till the tears placed a mark on his face.

And Abū Ad-dardā Radiyallāhu anhu said:

Whenever prophet Ibrāhīm performed prayers, a sound is normally heard from his chest due to fear of Allāh Ta’āla.

And Mujāhid said:

When Prophet Dāwūd committed the mistake He made, he fell down bowing to Allāh Ta’āla for about 40days till a sprout came out of his tear’s gland which covers his eyes, then he called His Lord saying: the forehead is ulcerated, and the eyes has freezed, he was then called: are you hungry so that you can be fed? Or you are sick so that your health can be restored? Or you are oppressed so that you can be helped? He then wept so much which stirred up all what came out on his face, he was then forgiven.

And it was said:

People used to pay visit to Dāwūd ‘alayhissalām during the incidence thinking he was sick, whereas there is nothing disturbing him except he was seriously shivering due to fear of Allāh ‘Azzawajal.

And it was said that the skin of Prophet ‘Īsah ‘alayhissalām used to bring forth blood when death is mentioned.

And Prophet Yayha Ibn Zakariyya ‘alayhimassalām wept till his molar became obvious, and then his mother took two pieces of felts and stuck them in his cheeks.

27th Shawwal, 1440H.





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