Daily Posts

Forbearance and Restraining from Anger 02



_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_

A man abused Ibn ‘Abbas radiyallāhu anhu, when he ended his speech, Ibn ‘Abbas radiyallāhu anhu said:

Oh ‘ikrimah, check whether this man is in need so that we can assist him regarding it? On hearing that, the man became ashamed and embarrassed.

A man spoke to mu’āwiyah harshly, thus, the guards said to Mu’āwiyah: You need to punish this man? He said: I am shy to narrow my forbearance due to the sin of one person amongst my people. Mu’āwiyah then shared some thick coverlets, and he sent some of it to an old man amongst the people of dimashq

A man abused ‘Adiyy Ibn Hatim and he was silent, when the man finished his speeches, ‘Adiyy Ibn Hatim said to him: if you still have some statement to alter, say it before the arrival of the youth of Ayy, for if they should hear what you are saying regarding their leader, they would not be please with it.

A man met ‘Aliy Ibn Al-husaini radiyallāhu anhumah and abused him, Al-‘ubaid wanted to take revenge, but Al-husaini said:

“Take it easy”. He then said to the man:

What is hidden from you regarding our affairs is much, are you in need of something so that we can assist you? The man was ashamed. He then gave him a cloth that is with him and he then commanded that he should be given hundred dirham, and the man used to say after that: I testified that you are of the offspring of the Messenger sallallāhu àlayhi wasallam

*21th Jumādā Ath-thāni, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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