Freeing the Heart from Evil Acts, Bad Characters and Excessive Love for Dunya

_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, it is wājib that the heart should be made free from evil acts, bad characters and excessive love of dunya until it has no connection to the materials of the dunya thereby turning away from its luxuries completely, and it does not depend solely on the means of things, thus, the soul will now return to Allāh as a soul that art at rest.
However, attaining the middle point and balancing between laxity and excessiveness is something that is not easy and it may be unclear to one, rather, the point is even thinner than hair and sharper than a sword.
Because of this difficulties, a servant is commanded to always recite suratu Al-Fātihah in his prayers. In the surah, Allāh says;
_اهدنا الصراط المستقيم_
_”Make us to be steadfast on the straight path.”_
*Suratu Al-Fātihah, verse 6.*
Therefore, one should strive hard with good deeds to be amongst the people on the straight path.
Hence, whosoever attains such position in this dunya, will surely be amongst the righteous people in the Hereafter.
But, good deeds doesn’t come except from someone with good characters, thus, everyone should check his behaviors, then, he should occupy himself with treating those bad characters one by one, and he should be highly determined on these.
For after sometimes, with the will of Allāh, he will wean from such bad characters, though, he may find it difficult at the beginning, this is like the way an infant is made to wean from breastfeeding despite the child doesn’t like to be wean. But, if the child was to be returned to breastfeeding after sometimes, he Will surely hate it.
Likewise, if one is patient on the pain of rectifying the bad characters, one will hate those bad characters with time
Therefore, whosoever knows the shortness and littleness of this life as against that of the Hereafter, will surely bear the difficulties and pains of the days of journey in this dunya so that he can attain eternal enjoyment and happiness.
In this regard, it was said;
_فند الصباح يحمد القوم السرى_
In the morning time, the people will certainly be happy and joyful for their journey at night.
*22th Rabī’u Ath-thāni, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!