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Goals in Preaching (Da`awah)



Imām Abū Hamīd
Al-Ghazali – Rahimahullāhu

B. Your goal in preaching should not be centred around gaining reputation and inclining the heart of the masses towards your sittings so that people may say: what a blessed Halqah! Beware of this act, for it is sign of desires and showoff which result due to heedlessness.

Rather, your sole aim in propagating the Dīn to others is to safeguard them from being busy with the transitory life to being occupied with the next life, from disobedience to obedience, from covetousness to zuhd, from miserliness to generousity, and from deception to Taqwah. And also, to teach them the knowledge of the Dīn.

However, know that, most people love to deviate from the path of the Dīn, move towards that which Allāh hates and busy themselves with lowly characters.

Hence, try hard to install in their heart fear of Allāh, warn them of the great risks awaiting those who disobey Allāh. By so doing, Taqwah is established in their heart thereby changing their behaviour from bad to good, disobedience to obedience.

Thus, any preacher or Nāsih who calls in this format is termed as a Sincere Preacher.

Whereas, the one who propagates the Dīn just for worldly gain achieved nothing except losses both in this Dunya and in the next life. His speeches will serve as evidences against him and he is a Fitna to his listeners. In fact, it was said: such a person is as though a shaitān because he mislead others from the path of Allāh and destroys them. For this reason, it is wājib to flee from him. And at times, his damages for the Dīn are greater than that of the shaitān.

And it is wājib upon those in power and authority, to expel and kick out such an ignorant preacher from giving sermon on the mimbar of the Muslims and he should be banished from teaching, for it is a form of enjoying good and forbidding evils.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

25th Ramadān, 1441H.




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