_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
In addition, one should also consider the qualities below in a woman before marriage:
1. The *Dowry* of the woman should be moderate.
For it is reported that Sai’d bn Al Musayyib married out his daughter just for only *two dirhams.*
Umar bn khattab radiyallaahu anhu said:
_لا تغالوا في مهور النساء._
_”Do not excessively raise the dowries of women._”
The way it is abhorrent to excessively raise the dowries of women, likewise, it is disliked for the man to ask regarding the wealth of the woman.
Immam Athawree Rahimahullahu said:
_إذا تزوج الرجل و قال: أي شيء للمرأة؟ فاعلم أنه لص_
_If a man want to marry a woman and he asked for what the woman possesses, know that such a man is a *thief.*_
2. The woman should be *virgin*.
This is because the sharia encouraged one to go for a woman that is virgin. And it is also because a virgin woman will love her husband than a non virgin woman. For people naturally become highly affected by the first experience and attachment.
3. The woman should be *productive*. One will know that by checking the family of the woman.
4. Good *progeny.*
The woman should be from a righteous and religious family.
5. The woman should not be of his *family.*
Lastly, the way it is highly recommended for a man to look and check all the aforementioned qualities in a woman before marriage, likewise, the woman’s guardian should also confirm these *norms* in a man that suits the marriage of their daughter.
*22th Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!