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Gratitude to Allah -Azza Wa Jalla 02



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

As for that which is Apparent of the Hikmah is like knowing that the wisdom in the creation of the sun is to have night and day, the day is used to seek livelihood while the night is used to rest. And this is the wisdom in the creation of sun in summary, likewise, knowing the wisdom behind cloud and rain.

As for the wisdom in the creation of stars, it is hidden to many people, though some may know little of its wisdom, like it serves as a _zīnah_ for the sky.

And likewise, the organs of humans, of it are those which their wisdom are obvious like knowing that eyes is for seeing, hand is for touching, and leg is for walking. As for the physiological organs such as kidneys, veins, arteries, and liver, the wisdom behind them are not known to many except those who are specialist in that regard.

Therefore, whoever uses any of these organs in anything other than what it was created for, has indeed been ungrateful to the blessings of Allāh in such organ.

Thus, whoever hits others unjustly with his hand has indeed been ungrateful to the blessing of Allāh Ta’āla in the creation of the hand; because it was created for him to defend himself from any harm, and to attain the beneficial things not to harm others unjustly, likewise, when the eyes is used to sight Harām, signifies ingratitude, and also the blessing of the sun, for sighting is completed with it, thus, the eyes and sun were created in order to view that which is beneficial to him, and to also use them both to protect himself from that which are harmful to him.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

*30th Al-Muharram,1440H.*



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