Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Know verily that, the main aim of the creation of the earth and man, is to assist man to move closer to Allāh Ta’āla, and that cannot be achieved except through the love of Allāh, and His remembrance, and shunning away the delusion of the Dunyah.
And the love of Allāh cannot be attained except through constant pondering of His verses, and this contemplation cannot be gotten except with sound health, and sound health depends on land, water, and air.
However, all these cannot be fulfilled except with the creation of the heaven, earth and the creations of all other components either the apparent ones or the hidden ones, all these are all meant for the human body, where the soul is located, the righteous soul with constant ‘Ibādah and sound knowledge will return to Allāh.
In this context, Allāh says:
_وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون_
Sūratu Az-zāriyāt, verse 56.
Whoever uses these blessings in the disobedience of Allāh, has indeed signifies ingratitude.
We will mention an example of a wisdom which is hidden so that we can know the path of gratitude and ingratitude to Allāh upon His blessings.
For instance, of the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla He created coins which are used as means of transaction, they are just mere stones which has no use in itself, but all humans are in dire need of them, in the sense that, the necessities of individuals differs be it food, drink, wears, and the likes.
One person may lack what he needs, and possesses in abundance that which he doesn’t need, like the one who possesses abundant of Za’farān while is in a dire need of a camel to ride on, and at the same time another person may have camels in abundance, but he needs Za’farān. Hence, they must both exchange their commodities but it must be done according to values of each commodity. For it is not possible for the one who possesses camel to just give up his camel in exchange for Za’farān because their values differs until it is given in terms of quantity, quality and type.
Thus, Allāh Ta’āla created coins to serve as a scale and to determine the value of things without any difficulty.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
3rd Safar,1440H.